Last night we they ranch was covered in a thin layer of fresh snow, waking up we find the thin layer has multiplied and the everything is covered in a good 1,5 foot of snow. As we get out of the motorhome we are welcomed into this day by Ghandi and Fortune, the two horses are strolling through the snow on the driveway.
As our motorhome has a good heater and Fraserway was so kind to provide and extra heater we are comfortable and have no worries of freezing. We have pancakes for breakfast and after make good use of the snow and great a life-size snowman. We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.
Even though the road had already been cleared before we woke up we decide to spend another day with Bob and Cyn and hang around, read and relax. We find ourselves going back to our youth as we are forced to entertain ourselves without internet of tv as the snowfall has caused the electricity to go down but we get along fine with books, cards and food.
The afternoon is used for a hike through the winter wonderland and are amazed by the number of times Marley the dog will go after a snowball and remain excited without ever retrieving one. for our last dinner we have slow cooked pork before we do some bananagrams and go to bed.
Tomorrow we’ll have another go at leaving the comfort and care of the Van Fleet residence.